Gentlemen's Guide

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Here is your guide to becoming a true gentleman. A gentleman of faith, value and purpose..

Read below and follow along to learn what it takes to be a real gentleman in our society today..

 Thursday, 9/11/14

If an individual is not prepared to inspire trust within a relationship, or to trust the other party, that relationship will suffer - and sometimes even die. For example, a man may love his wife, but if he is unfaithful to her, he has betrayed her trust. He may not think his love for his wife has changed, but their relationship of mutual commitment has been broken. If his wife learns of his infidelity, she might continue to love him and may even forgive him. But the question is: Will she be able to trust him once again?

A heart that has been hurt by betrayal finds it very difficult to trust again. the heart may love the other person long-distance but may find it impossible to rebuild that relationship. Trust is a "currency" between people. The only hope for a marriage relationship broken by adultery is for the offending spouse to win back trust through true repentance of the heart and by faithfulness demonstrated over a long period of time.

Likewise, trust is an essential part of our relationship with God and is built over time. We can count of God to be totally trustworthy toward us. But we must show Him that we can be trusted to be faithful and devoted to Him.

The Bible says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding" (Proverbs 3:5). Trust is a spiritual element that must be birthed from within the heart. Trust represents our "walk" with God - the manner in which we love Him, obey Him, and live for Him. The presence of trust in our heart is an indicator that we have a true relationship with Him and that we totally depend on Him.

As important as it is to be trustworthy in our relationship with our loved ones, friends and in the business field, we must trust and be trustworthy in our relationship with God. Why? Any true relationship is based on trust.. I end on this my friends, you are personally rich if you can trust those whom you are in relationship with and if they can trust you back.

Lets begin to be trust & to be trusted,

Fashionable Sundays

This was inspired and written by Apostle Guillermo Maldonado in his new book - "Supernatural Transformation"


Tuesday, 8/12/14

One of the greatest attributes that a man can obtain is wisdom. We need to learn and embrace wisdom by surrounding ourselves with those who carry it. But more importantly, we need to reach out to the ultimate source of wisdom. A wisdom that can surpass our understanding, a wisdom that goes above and beyond and leads us into a path of prosperity, joy, health, abundance and salvation.

I can try to write a bunch of paragraphs about wisdom and everything that is within it. But I believe that I can write a few verses and they can impact you more than my words can. Simply because those words have a weight behind them. If you read these verses below, take them into consideration, practice it and live by it, your life will have a supernatural transformation. Because inbetween those few words, there is a power within them to produce change.

Today, I want to speak to you on wisdom. As I write to you, I want to just give you a few points on the foundation of wisdom... Hope you enjoy.

First you have to understand that wisdom is not determined by age or the degrees you have..wisdom is founded when you have a reverence and fear toward God. Not a phobia fear but a fear to displease him or be in anyway be indifferent towards him and his word.
"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction." (Proverbs 1:7)

When you have the fear of God within you, its hard to want to displease God. Although no one is perfect for the bible says, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). If you have a genuine heart and truly believe in Him, regardless of your faults, you will be saved. "The LORD is near all who call out to Him" (Psalm 145:18)

Being that we have sinned and our sins separate us from the ultimate source of wisdom, we need to make a decision to ask for forgiveness. When you ask for Forgiveness, that supernatural source of wisdom, power, love, grace, favor, prosperity, healing and abundance will come upon you.

You may say, I know God, I go to church or I use to go. I am not offering you a religion, I am talking about a daily relationship that will empower you to prosper against all odds. Perhaps right now, you are in the midst of a problem. Or perhaps lately you have been struggling with an addiction, depression, loneliness or fear. You may be going through a hard time in a relationship or stuck in the same mess for weeks, months or even years. I can tell you that you were not born to live in those things! I believe there is a reason you visited this blog today. You may have a need and I come to tell you that I have the answer to those problems!

There is only two places a man can go when he dies, you either go to heaven or hell, there is no place in between. Hell was not created for you. Hell is a place of torment, fire and screams. But the gift of God is eternal life with our heavenly Father!

I want to offer you something far greater than the clothes we wear or the money we obtain, eternal life. The Bible says that "Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)

Right now if you feel you have not been right with God or simply want to say a prayer that can change every situation you may be facing, I want you to read this prayer that is below, to secure that you will go to heaven and experience the wisdom I mentioned before...

Read out loud and say "Heavenly Father, I recognize that I am a sinner and that my sins separate me from you. My heart needs a transformation which only you can accomplish. I believe Jesus died on the cross for me and that you raised him from the dead. I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord. I repent of all my sins and break every covenant I have made with the world, with my flesh and with the enemy. I ask Jesus to come into my heart and change my life. If I were to die right now, I would wake up in your presence. In Jesus name, amen. 

If you just said that prayer, I want you to do me one more favor. Send me an email at, let us know that you said the prayer. I would love to personally speak to you and help you in anyway that you would need. Hope to hear from you soon!


Thursday, 7/31/14

The picture above could not have said it better. “You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do. This is a big mistake many of us make, sometimes without even realizing it. We say “Yeah I will call you right back” and you never do. Or you say “I am going to start my diet tomorrow” and a month has passed. Have you ever been told, “I will pay you back next time I see you” and you are still waiting to hear from them? What about all those times we have said “I’m going to start making a difference” and nothing within or around us has changed a bit.

That is what I like to call, “the breaking of your word” and the breaking of your word is the assassination of your character. What do I mean by “assassination of your character”? When you continually break promises or contradict what you say, you slowly begin to diminish and kill your character and reputation. One of the worst things any person can do is ruin the reputation that they have. The bible says, Choose a good reputation over great riches; being held in high esteem is better than silver or gold.” (Proverbs 22:1). Meaning that a good reputation is more important than wealth and having a good name can do more than what money can buy. A good reputation releases grace and favor over your life. Grace and favor brings forth access, special privileges, and honor. It will even open doors that not even wealth can't open.

I challenge you gentlemen, to begin to walk in truth and in integrity. No one wants to be known as a liar or someone who is hard to trust. If you see people have a hard time trusting you, take a look at yourself and see where you are giving off this impression. Remember that your words have the ability to create expectations. If you can’t follow through, then don’t promise it. Your reputation is all you have sometimes. I challenge you today, to reclaim that reputation! It’s not the big decisions that make us; it’s the little ones. When you have a good reputation, you will be trusted more in your job, school, family, with friends as well as every other ethnos that you enter in. Make the change today. The decisions you make today will determine the outcome of your tomorrow.

Comment below or send us an email,
Fashionable Sundays


Monday, 7/21/14

What does it mean to maximize? The word maximum may be defined as "supreme, greatest, highest, and ultimate." It implies the highest degree possible. Therefore to maximize is to express, expose, experience and execute all the hidden, God-given abilities, talents, gifts, and potential through God's vision to fulfill his purpose for our lives on earth. Anything less than maximum is mediocrity. Mediocrity is the spirit of the average, the anthem of the norm, and a heartbeat of the ordinary. 

Why do so many of us settle for mediocrity? The answer is found in what is called the curse of comparison. So I tell you this gentleman..Don't settle, don't compromise. Maximize your potential, work hard, be diligent, and fulfill purpose. The greatest tragedy in life is to live without knowing your purpose. Why settle for the job you have now? When you can be an owner of your own company. Why settle for that car? When you can be driving a better one. Why have a minimum mindset? When you can maximize your creativity to create something beyond expectation. When I opened Fashionable Sundays, I decided not to settle, to not care about opinions of others. I may get persecuted, I may get doubted, I may even loose many followers..but I made a decision, to not live for the opinions of others and now look, 2 months have passed and over 9,000 of you are following. I wanted to maximize the faith in all of you, to pursue dreams and passions. Don't be discouraged, I dare you to step out of your comfort zone. Open that business, pursue that career, trust in God, go back to school & live to your maximum capacity. 

Millions of the worlds population, both now and in generations that has passed, have poured out some of their potential, accomplished some of their dreams and achieved some of their goals. Still, because they refused to maximize their lives, their cup holds only a portion of their purpose, falling into depression, regret and death. I CHALLENGE you, decide today to act on the rest of your sleeping dreams. Commit yourself and watch everything around you expand to its maximum capacity! 

 Thursday 7/17/14


Monday, 7/21/14

 Have you ever heard the expression, "you are what you hang around"? Well today, I wanted to share with you that it is true. We are what we surround ourselves with...

 As you can see in the picture, it reads "Bad company ruins good morals" (1 Corinthians 15:33). I come to tell you this gentleman, BE CAREFUL who you surround yourself with. I truly believe that you are a good person, yes we have our faults, but somewhere inside, you are a genuine person. Have you ever noticed that you sometimes have compassion for someone in need or in trouble? You see someone crippled and you feel sorry for the person? Have you ever caught yourself helping someone that you didn't know or they didn't deserve your help but you did it anyways? Its because you are someone with a good heart, in other words "good morals". 

The world and socity teaches us we have to be "macho" and "tough" with no emotions. The world says that "men don't cry". I can tell you my friend, that is surly a lie. It takes a real man to cry out for his loved ones. To get on his knees and pray. Don't be emotionless. 

A real gentleman lays his life down for others, don't let bad company come to ruin that. We can never go beyond the environment we place our self in. Get away from that crowd that is influencing you to smoke and drink. A real gentleman doesn't follow an influence, he IS the influence. I hope I dont offend you, but if you are hanging with people that are only bringing you down and not lifting you up, getting you in trouble and into all sorts of things you should not be getting into, if you see you are around a crowd that is going no where..its time to change friends! 

Begin to surround yourself with people that have wisdom, people that will motivate you to pursue passions and careers. Be around those that will lead you to your calling and purpose in life. I have a handful of people I surround myself with and they all play a role in my life. A couple of friends and leaders that have wisdom to impart into me every time I see them. I have a friend or two that are tremendous businessmen, that motivate me to continue to press forward. A girlfriend that leads me in the right directions and complements my calling in life. You will never catch me too close with people that are not on the same mission as me, for "two people that are unequally yoked cannot walk together". 

I usually end with a challenge, for it leaves the decision in your hands. As gentlemen, we have to do it ourselves, no one will do it for us. SO I CHALLENGE you, to evaluate your surroundings and make some changes. Yes, it may hurt to let somethings or some people go..but are you willing to be take a step of faith and change your life for the better? Don't let bad company ruin your life. Dont be that guy that had so much going for him but wasted it on partying and hanging out all the time. Its time to stand up, shake it off and put our foot down. Our children need real fathers, our wives need real husbands & our family needs a real son, that will provide, protect, pray, believe and fight for the blessings. Be a gentleman today..start making the difference.

Drop a comment or leave me an email, I will dedicate my time and effort to help you, if needed

God Bless,
Fashionable Sundays


Wednesday, 7/16/14

A word of wisdom to you gents, a gentleman is always quick to listen and slow to speak. What do I mean? The word say this, "Even fools are thought wise when they keep silent; with their mouths shut, they seem intelligent." (Proverbs 17:28). Far too often Ive seen many men that are quick to speak! Wanting to always get their point and opinion across, even think that they are always right. Have you ever been somewhere or with a group of people and there is always that one guy that is just too loud and never stops talking? What is your first impression when you come across those people? Exactly, its annoying, obnoxious and sometimes you even think he has no idea what he is talking about.

So I come to tell you this.. A gentleman is slow to speak and quick to listen. Begin to learn and descern when its your time to speak and when its your time to listen. We have so much to learn and some of us have wisdom right next to us. Our parents, grandparents, friends, leaders, bosses and co workers may all have something to offer us..maybe something that can even change our life but we can easily miss it, by wanting to be the first one to talk. I challenge you, to begin to listen more than you speak and I guarantee you will learn something new everyday. 

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